I have a problem. I have two brothers. One brother is in advertising. The other was put to death in the electric chair for murder. My mother died from insanity when I was three years old. My two sisters are prostitutes and my father sells narcotics to grade school students. Recently, I met a girl who was just released from a reformatory where she served time for killing her dog with a ball-peen hammer, and I want to marry her. My problem is: should I tell her about my brother who is in advertising?
Signed, Anonymous.
Pues te recomiendo k no le digas nada hacerca de tu hermano... Mejor despues de la boda... Y despues de la boda se lo dicers cuando ella pregunta..!!
Es lo que hacen todos con sus grandes verdades no??
Ah.. tambien me gsta tu playlist!!!!
Un Abrazote